Blog upkeep tips

Do you keep a blog website? Do you struggle to post and upload to it all the time? have you tried to write things in advance and then cant find time to upload them? Its hard keeping a blog but we here at slow online have been in the business of vblogging for over 15 years now and have wrote alot of post… so here are some top tips on getting out a blog post in time.

1. Know what you are writing about
2. Stick to the topic
3. Find some images
4. Find some more images (images are a great way to pad out your articles)
5. Keep it relevant
6. Stick to the point
7. Target your audience
8. Engage your reader
9. Alienate everyone else!
10. Be strong

Sometimes having faith in your blog or idea is the best thing you can do, some blogs takes year to even get a reader, but once you are going – youll never believe what you read on the web again.